pbbr kicks off 2024 legal internships

Date: 05 September 2024

pbbr has officially kick started its legal internships, an important and vital step towards a brighter and promising future.

João de Melo Farinha, Ilda Beno de Sousa and Guilherme Nobre Madeira have now joined the firm’s team
João is currently preparing his admission to the Portuguese Bar Association, a second phase trainee lawyer.
Ilda and Guilherme, are also preparing their admission to the Portuguese Bar Association, both first phase trainees.

The new trainees will now have the opportunity to put into action all the knowledge that they have been acquiring for years, work alongside their peers, gain experience and prepare themselves for what the legal market has not only to offer, but also expects from them.

Welcome João, Ilda and Guilherme.

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